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Q. Do you drink enough water?

Using thirst as a gauge to determine when you need water is a mistake. By the time you’re thirsty, you may already be mildly dehydrated. And even mild dehydration can drain your energy and leave you feeling sleepy and tired.

In recommendations put forth by the Mayo Clinic, doctors advise healthy adults living in a temperate climate to drink 8 - 9 cups of water each day. Through breathing, sweating and other bodily functions, you lose about 10 cups of water every 24 hours. With food adding back about 20 percent of your daily fluid intake, you need to consume an additional 2 liters of water per day to replace those lost fluids.

If you’re athletic and exercise strenuously, live in a hot environment, are sick with symptoms that cause the additional loss of fluids or are pregnant or nursing, you should consume additional water, up to 13 cups per day, to remain properly hydrated.

Q. What are the sources of water?

Many foods contain water. A balanced diet is required to maintain the body's fluid needs. Some of the good sources of water include the following:

·         Fruits and vegetables (contain 95% water)

·         Meat and cheese (contain 50% water)

·         Milk

·         Soups and juices

Q. What are the effects of consuming low-mineral water everyday?

Water is your body’s main component. It accounts for 60 percent of your total body weight, with every system in your body relying on it to flush toxins, carry nutrients and sustain life.

Low-mineral water fails to provide the elements your body needs to function effectively, causing it to actually work harder by depleting its stores of minerals and electrolytes to replace those missing from the water source.

In recent study published by the World Health Organization (WHO 2004), researchers from countries across the world reported that consuming water with low mineral content significantly contributes to increase water intake, a reduction in the volume of red blood cells, limited blood flow, inhibited bone development and impairs the function of the kidneys, intestines and metabolism. In addition, low-mineral or “soft” water increases the loss of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium and electrolytes from the body’s stores, literally stripping the body of essential nutrients.

Together, this was shown to create an inadequate body water redistribution, the symptoms of which include fatigue, weakness, headaches, muscular cramps and even an impaired heart rate. Soft water has also been linked to a higher risk of fracture in children, pre-term and low weights births, and some types of cancer, all due to the low levels of calcium and magnesium.

But by drinking antioxidant water from a mineral-rich source – like Shinsei Water – the body will begin to function efficiently once again, as the problems resulting from the consumption of plain water naturally correct themselves.

Q. What is Antioxidant?

Antioxidants are dietary substances including some nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamins C and E and selenium. Antioxidants are available both naturally and artificially (available as capsules, creams etc.). Fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts are the natural sources of antioxidants.

Q. What do antioxidants do to our body?

Antioxidants work by significantly reducing or preventing oxidative damage of the cells and tissues in our body. The oxidative damage is carried out by substances known as free radicals that cause the cells to function abnormally. The role of such free radicals has also been established in the occurrence of heart disorders and other disorders such as diabetes.  

Consumption of an optimum amount of antioxidant-rich food and substances including drinking antioxidant water helps prevent damage from the oxidation process and also aids in the repair of damaged cells. Antioxidants can improve the body’s resistance to many diseases by boosting the immune system.

Q. Why do antioxidants play a very important role in our body?

Some of the reasons for aging are the decreased functioning of the cells in the body and their increased destruction. As age advances, cells and tissues in the body begin to slow down and are destroyed at a faster pace. Aging is often made clearly visible by different signs such as wrinkling of skin, flaccidity of the muscle tissues, weak bones, etc. Antioxidants help in preventing or reducing the destruction of the cells thereby decreasing the signs of aging such as wrinkles on the skin. They also boost the immune system thereby making you less prone to infections and diseases. Furthermore, it is said to have a role in prevention of cancers.   

Numerous studies have suggested that antioxidants may have a beneficial effect on many age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer and some neurodegenerative and eye diseases. Incident reduction of such disorders results in improved life span and enhances the quality of life.

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